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Purpose and Goal of SYP

Our goal of the Safe Your Privacy Online network is to make internet users aware that online privacy is being violated more and more these days. This often through the unwitting internet user. Protecting online privacy will become increasingly important in the coming years. And will therefore increasingly come to the attention of internet users, companies and large marketing companies. By raising awareness of online privacy protection, we want to make clear agreements with all companies and distribute a quality mark called SYP (SafeYourPrivacy). With this quality mark, companies can easily show online per website / app that they care about the privacy of the user / customer. To request a quality mark or for more information about the SYP (SafeYourPrivacy) quality mark, please contact us.

Why safeyourprivacy was created

Nowadays, an average of 1 person in the household uses social platforms or mail services such as Facebook or Google. By using these services, various settings are unsolicited preprogrammed in such a way that privacy is violated without any knowledge of the user. With the network of SYP (SafeYourPrivacy) we want to make people aware of protecting online privacy against these major monopoly players.

These motives are no longer acceptable and must be alerted to users of these platforms. Protecting online privacy can be arranged very easily and quickly these days, both for companies and for users. With the SYP network, we disseminate informative information about protecting online privacy for end users. We also provide information for the business market, so that a quality mark can be applied for via SYP for a certification of security in privacy protection.

Experts and specialists at SYP

SYP (SafeYourPrivacy) experts are located all over the world. And originated from a few specialists from online security. These started from the Netherlands and have set up various platforms with regard to protecting online privacy. All these platforms have an approved certification from SYP and are affiliated as an informative partner of SafeYourPrivacy.

Discover and join SYP

Company or end user? SYP stands for saving the online privacy violations that are going on these days from big companies trying to get control over your data. Business and as a company also contribute to raising awareness of online privacy violations, please feel free to contact us for a SYP certification.

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